Within the past few years I have gained some weight, and I have grown increasingly unhappy with my body image. It became blatantly apparent when my wife one day casually stated that when she met me, I had a six pack, and was a lot more toned than I am now. Initially I made numerous excuses and even blamed her, because when I wanted to g to the gym, she said that she doesn’t want a husband that has bulging muscles and I had started to look like that to her.

So I had stopped working out, starting to ingest more sugars and carbs, with no activity to burn any of those calories or extra weight off. You can see where this is going right, time went by and the pounds started to pack on, I ent from a comfortable 145 pounds to 186 pounds, and to some of you that may not seem like much, but I started to feel it in my daily activities.

Last year I started back riding my bike on certain days to and from work, with some suggestions from a brother at church concerning diet, I started to see some change. However, it seems that reducing my sugar intake was a lot more difficult than I thought, because I did not stick to that diet. AT ALL. But, but, I kept riding, however that was 14 miles, and once winter hit, I stopped riding my bike home from work. Once again you know what happened, I packed on the pounds again, it’s like I never lost the weight. Evident now having read this article. Oh the mistakes I have made.

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