About Ron London

Ron London is a husband, father, life coach, and motivational speaker.

Ron built his brand from the ground up. He started a career at Brooklyn College as the Program Manager at Brooklyn College’s E.R.I.S/Black Male Initiative. It was there that he found his love for helping others through transitions. After witnessing his friends being corrupted by street life, Ron turned his pain into a cause and decided to start his own organization, and live a lifestyle of service.

Ron, like most young people in areas like where he grew up, made his fair share of mistakes. Ron eventually found his way. He changed his lifestyle when, at that time, he met the love of his life. It was her tough love that drove Ron to be stronger and to do more.

Ron began working on his blueprint. A self-taught master of service, Ron teaches as he learns. He is best known for helping college students discover the importance of mental health. This wasn’t a famous subject that one would get excited about. But for Ron, it was natural because he knew the importance of mental health and adaptation. He is passionate about mental health and it helped him gain followers online. Ron now owns his own organization RE Life Coaching Inc., allowing him to maintain his love of service. Combining all of his passions, Ron has become a life coach and motivational speaker. His message comes from his experience. He believes we all are coaches, because we’ve all learned lessons that can help others.”Everything in life happens for a reason,” he says. He covers various subjects of life, love and business.

He has had many experiences, and through these experiences, he has discovered that knowledge can be gained from the youngest and smallest instances in society. He also discovered that trust is the foundation of all relationships. Without a solid foundation of trust, things fall apart. A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. So, if you are ready to take the first step towards transformation. Start here on your journey of a thousand miles.

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