
What Is My Value – The Pitfalls Of Comparison

In essence you are asking what has or is my contribution to society. What will be my legacy? Here is to answering that age old question “what is my purpose?”

To answer this question, we need to take a deeper look at ourselves. What are our natural gifts/talents? Have we been nurturing our God-given gifts or have we overlooked them? What have we placed our value in, or better yet what do we derive our value from? Is it things, our job, how others view us? or, is our value in sharing our gifts/talents with others?

These are the questions we need to ask ourselves to help determine where we derive our value from, or what our contribution society is, or will be. Are we just following the status quo, or are we controlling the narrative. These steps will help to determine what our purpose is. So let’s be the ones who dictate what society sees when we share our gifts/talents, by being the authors of our own story

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